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Mark 15:1 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian An Answer to the Jews

For Him it behoved to be made a sacrifice on behalf of all Gentiles, who "was led as a sheep for a victim, and, like a lamb voiceless before his shearer, so opened not His mouth" (for He, when Pilate interrogated Him, spake nothing[302]

Mark 15:8 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian An Answer to the Jews

,"-the clamour whereby it had extorted His surrender to the cross.[310]

Mark 15:21 - NIV, NAB - in Pseudo-Tertullian Against All Heresies

but by the above-named Abraxas; and to have come in a phantasm, and been destitute of the substance of flesh: that it was not He who suffered among the Jews, but that Simon[20]

Mark 15:21 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

But as He, from the many blows and the weight of the cross, was unable to walk, the Jews, out of the eager desire they had to crucify Him as quickly as possible, took the cross from Him, and gave it to a man that met them, Simon by name, who had also two sons, Alexander and Rufus. And he was from the city of Cyrene.[100]

Mark 15:21 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

But the Jesus according to John, so to speak, bears the cross for Himself, and bearing it went out; but the Jesus according to Matthew and Mark and Luke, does not bear it for Himself, for Simon of Cyrene bears it.[170]

Mark 15:23 - NIV, NAB - in Five Books in Reply to Marcion

is drunk, and gall[333]

Mark 15:33 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian An Answer to the Jews

(and when did it "shudder exceedingly" except at the passion of Christ, when the earth also trembled to her centre, and the veil of the temple was rent, and the tombs were burst asunder?[284]

Mark 15:34 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus II The Descent of Christ into Hell

For I know that he is a man, and I heard him also saying, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.[12]

Mark 15:40 - NIV, NAB - in The History of Joseph the Carpenter

But Joseph, that pious old man, was warned of this by a dream. Therefore he rose and took Mary my mother, and I lay in her bosom. Salome[15]

Mark 15:42 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Fasting

? "[99]

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