Albert Schweitzer's The Quest of the Historical Jesus

Albert Schweitzer

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

A Critical Study of its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede

By Albert Schweitzer


Translated by W. Montgomery

From the First German Edition "Von Reimarus zu Wrede," 1906.

With a Preface by F. C. Burkitt, D.D.

First English Edition, 1910.

Published in Great Britain by A. & C. Black, Ltd.

The electronic edition of this document (The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer) is copyright © 2001 Peter Kirby. The original book by Albert Schweitzer is now public domain, but this electronic edition of The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer may not be copied or distributed without the permission of Peter Kirby. Permission is given to make one hard copy of The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer for personal or educational use. Permission is given to link to this Table of Contents web page for The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer.

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1. The Problem1
2. Hermann Samuel Reimarus13
3. The Lives of Jesus of the Earlier Rationalism27
4. The Earliest Fictitious Lives of Jesus38
5. Fully Developed Rationalism - Paulus48
6. The Last Phase of Rationalism - Hase and Schleiermacher58
7. David Friedrich Strauss - The Man and his Fate68
8. Strauss's First "Life of Jesus"78
9. Strauss's Opponents and Supporters96
10. The Marcan Hypothesis121
11. Bruno Bauer137
12. Further Imaginative Lives of Jesus161
13. Renan180
14. The "Liberal" Lives of Jesus193
15. The Eschatological Question223
16. The Struggle against Eschatology242
17. Questions regarding the Aramaic Language, Rabbinic Parallels, and Buddhistic Influence270
18. The Position of the Subject at the Close of the Nineteenth Century294
19. Thoroughgoing Scepticism and Thoroughgoing Eschatology330
20. Results398

John Bowden's translation of Albert Schweitzer's The Quest of the Historical Jesus is available for sale from Buying this edition of Albert Schweitzer's book has the benefits of a modern translation and hard cover printed format.

The picture of Albert Schweitzer above is provided courtesy of the International Albert Schweitzer Foundation.

Contemporary theories about the historical Jesus can be found on the Historical Jesus Theories web page.

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